Do you like UNAGI?
Thank you for accessing our website, and we are glad to introduce our UNAGI to eel lovers, like yourself.
Tsukiji Unagi Daioh only uses a species of a very few in the number on the earth, NIHON UNAGI (Anguilla japonica), a species registered as an endangered spieces indeed.
Even in Japan where an UNAGI is traditionally consumed, Japanese UNAGI has long been one of the top delicacies.
Yes, a Japanese UNAGI tastes good But expensive...
We see this reality seriously,
and are pleased to take this challenge.
We set a shockingly low price range.
With it, we want as many people
as possible to have a chance
to try our up-most delicious UNAGI.
With our exclusive hospitality,
we believe we can make this true.
Please enjoy our UNAGI dishes prepared
by our selected top professionals.