Traditional Tokyo Style
Tokyo and Osaka adapt different UNAGI cooking cultures as well as how an ell is cut up with a knife. In the Tokyo style, we steam UNAGI meat before roasting it. By doing so, it gives our UNAGI dish the tenderness that you can easily split the skin with your chopsticks, as well as its rich flavor just as if it melts in your mouth. We are proud to introduce this Tokyo style UNAGI to you as a very few of the kind in Singapore.

Grade A5 UNAGIs with blue body skin
In an excellent nurturing condition, the body surface of Japanese UNAGI grows into blue. Such UNAGIs with blue skin are estimated to be less than 10 percent of the whole ell market. Among all hard-to-get cuisines, the tender skin and the elegant flavor will prove you got one. All the UNAGIs we serve have earned the particularly hand-picked A5 rating.